Friday, August 7, 2009

iS-MiLe :-)

Is-Mile !
Smile is an expression of face. The following part of this post will describe why should I or you smile.
1. To cry we need tears but We don’t even need tears for smiling.
2. A Smile on every face can remove crime from the world. As no one can do crime while smiling. It is a fact that a person cannot kill other person while smiling. Just think about a scenario that a guy having smile on his face and a knife in his one hand and trying to kill someone….. is it possible ? Smile and knife together !!!
3. Smile removes the difference made by Language, Country… Every one smiles in a same language.
4. Physics is not applicable for Smile…. The shortest distance between two people is smile.
5. For Girls … No need of going to beauty parlors , just have smile on your face… It’s an inexpensive way to change your looks.
6. You can do more shopping by the money saved from Parlors.
7. Smile removes the beauty bars… I have never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.
8. If You cry you will have more wrinkles, Smiles removes this possibility also…
9. Smile makes your heart positive and mind active.
10. Smile and Save energy … 17 muscles are used for smile and 40 for frown.

So keep Is-Miling !!
< --- Manish Jain --- >

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