Monday, July 20, 2009

Birthday after Death !!

Year 2009 - Birthday on July 20 and Death on July 12

So today is 8th day after death and my birthday. Two different occasions, two different feelings, two different directions and two different domains but One thing is common among all and that is Me. Friends want to celebrate but my heart says no. Should I listen to my heart or my friends. Life is becoming very complex for me and I am not a genius who can come over it very easily.

So I switched off my phone to avoid the conflict. I know that this day will not change my life still I am trying to run from the world where people know me to somewhere where I am alone, nobody knows me. I want peace from this crowded life. I want a break from this messed life.

My fault is that I want all these things today when everyone thinks that I am completely free(mentally) to get their wishes. It’s not their fault also. It’s just a game and gamer is not any one from us.

"Pyaar amar hai duniya mein
Pyaar kabhi nahi martaa hai
Maut badan ko aati hai
Rooh ka jalwa rahtaa hai
Janam Janam ka saath hai nibhne ko…… "

< --- Manish Jain --- >


Anonymous said...

Whenever you're down in the dumps, think of all the good times! There's more to come :)

expect the unexpected said...

manish.....donno wat to say.... ppl say "ALL IN THE GAME" and we have to play the game..... ultimate goal is to win the game...

Madhuri Kunisetty said...

shut up...u fool...I was confused whether ur bday is on 20th or 22nd...which led me to wish u belatedly :(

Gt said...

what a gud thought..
still,the old manish is alive.

Manish said...


You do not have to worry about my thoughts...